Sunday, September 24, 2006

Pre cambodia trip post

The many sounds that meet our ears, the sights our eyes behold,
Will open up our merging hearts,
And feed our empty souls. - Stevie wonder

Its funny how we (ie; young Singaporeans) took things for granted. We have a decent roof over our head, a world class education system and almost everything in our mercy, and yet we are complaining abt everything and anything 24/7
And i do that all the time. Even though, im fully aware that some of teens ard my age in a 3rd world country are probably much worse off than i am, no food, no money and no house. I would watch them on TV and thinking "oh poor them...i should consider myself fortunate and not take things for granted." And i would be all remorse about how self centred i was...for the next 5 mins or so.

See, the thing is, Singaporeans in general, are a fortunate lot and we will never know how fortunate we are till, we really experience life in a 3rd world country. It's not the same as watching them on Discovery channel or in the news. And so this Serve Cambodia trip is a great start for me.

I hope to make a difference, big or small, to their lives. Mr Ng once said during the bonding camp about how we are going to bring joy/happiness to their lives. And i am like "REALLY DUDE?" I was thinking are we the happier ones just because we have an easier life compared to them. Does all this things like, good food, a condo, a stable PAP govt make us a happier lot? Or are we all just encased in a hollow shell chasing the Singapore Dream? I don't know.

This Serve cambodia trip also serves as taking a huge leap of my comfort zone and experience the hard life.


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