Today's blog will be quite long ar. And will got lots of photos. Yeah.. So be prepared to see familiar faces here. Muhahahax..
Alright... Meet up with Hwee Yim at CCK Interchange at 8.30. As usual, will be late lahx, then nvm, went to BP there wait for Dickson. Before we alight, saw him yawning there le. Must be waiting for a long time. haha.. Sorry. Anyways, before reaching school, Mabia msg me, asking where am i. Then afterwards got to find out that she also live in BP lorx. But then Dickson nvr call her to meet us. Cos he gave a very lame excuse, saying, 'i dont call girls.' OMG.. Dont call? SMS lah. Aiyo. So that we can come tgt right? Anyways, reached convention centre le, then mark attendance.
Afterwards, everyone starting to arrive, and we went into the hall about 5 mins late? That's what the person told us. Ok, the whole WIL-KEYS program finished about 1 hour and 10 mins? Yeah. Hahax.. Quite nice lahx. 'WIL' meaning Work Integreted Learning. It is a IT module. It's all about teaching those ex-conficts IT stuffs like WORD, POWERPOINT and EXCEL etc and giving them a new start in their lives.
'KEYS' meaning Kindling Education Yielding Success. It's all about helping to raise fund for the NP Student Aid Fund. And we managed to see our SERVE CAMBODIA's mates in the KEYS' video. Alex was in the video, passing by the convention centre there when he was approached by some Serve China people asking him to buy some pegs. The video also shows the passing the newspaper and also, doing that.. Ahem.. Shouting 'YES! We've done it!!' That diagoue. I can hear the loudest voice. Is Mabia. Hahaz.. Yeah. After that, we went to have a little bite at outside the hall. And chatted with the others while eating. Photos were taken then also. Take a look and recognise faces of some our SERVE Grpers!

Si Wei, Dickson and Yuan Jin

Si Wei


Mabia and part of Esther. LOL!

OMG!! What they are doing??? HAHA! Anyways, Si Wei and Dickson are the 'GAY COUPLE' in our group. BEWARE!! HAHAX.. =X Dont blame me hor Si Wei and Dickson. Hahax.. JK only ar..

Gin Ni and Yuan Jin

Joy, Alexander, Latifah and friends.

Serve Cambodia 2006!!! =D
Ermm... Tt's about it lahx, although i did take alot, but then all repeated? Ya.. Behind still got alot. Ok, after taking photos, some left. But then the rest, which is me, Hwee Yim, Si Wei, Dickson, Yuan Jin, Gin Ni, Mr Ng went to play pool together. Yeah. Mabia didn't follow. She went studying. OMG... So hardworking. Ok. Anyways, took Mr Ng's Car to BTP(Bukit Timah Plaza) to play pool. Yeah. Dickson right.. He shot one ball then say he need to go le. LOL!! To study. Ok, cannot blame. Anyways, we continued playing... Gin Ni didn't know how to, but then we did try to teach her. YEAH!! And at least she did managed to play right, Gin Ni? Practise somemore! U can de. Cos all ur things ok le. Jus need more practice. Anyways, Mr Ng and Si Wei played very well wor. Hahax.. Like the experts. Yuan Jin also. and... My so-called disciple, Hwee Yim, ok lah. LOL! Hahax.. Take a look at the photos of them ready to hit the ball!!

Mr Ng! Wow.. Looks pro huh?

Dickson ready to hit

Another Pro.. Si Wei

Hwee Yim

Mr Ng and Si Wei teaching Gin Ni to play pool!!


Yuan Jin. Another nice shot!
After a while, Mr Ng gtg le. So we continued playing. Ok, anyways, took alot of photos there also. Hahax.. Zi lianing time. (Self-taking)
Take a look!

Hwee Yim and Gin Ni

Me and Gin Ni

Hwee Yim, Gin Ni and Yuan Jin.

Me, Hwee Yim and Yuan Jin

Me, Si Wei, Hwee Yim, Gin Ni and Yuan Jin
After that, we went to KAP to find Dickson and also to eat our lunch. But then Gin Ni went to Tiong Bahru. Anyways, she asked us a Ahem question. 'Where is Tiong Bahru ar?' Then our definite answer will be ' Tiong Bahru is at Tiong Bahru lor!' LOL. Ok we are lame. Hahax.. We did really talk alot. Like.. We explored each other leh. I mean... About Dickson's nose, which looked like parrot, Yuan Jin's tongue a little funny and etc... And btw.. Si Wei's name right.. We helped him to modify le. Become Fei Yu Wei Si(Fat Merlion). LOL!!! Funny lahx. Ya. Anyways, we turned the whole KHP to a KBOX! Singing there, sometimes where the music goes too loud, people tend to turn their attention towards us. OMG. Attention seeker. Hahax.. We laugh alot also. Laugh until our cheeks are so stiff and hot!! Hahax.. Quite a number of dirty things we talk. And dont wana say here. Hahax.. Dickson went intruding into ppl's privarcy by asking about our love relationships' history. LOL.. So the KPO hor? Anyways... We came up with a name for the 5 of us.. Wana guess what?
Firstly, rmb i said Si Wei's nick was Fei Yu Wei Si? When u try to pronouce it fast, it become 'Phrise'. Then Yuan Jin's nick, by Si Wei, was called Pancake, cos when pull her cheeks right, looked like pancake ar? So call pancake. But then pronouce it faster, it will be 'Piak'. Then for Hwee Yim, chinese name is Hui Ying. Pronouce fast will be 'Pwing'. Then about Dickson, cos there is once where we talked about FARTING, then he said that he FART alot, and said that it was his family heirloom. LOL. Ok, so call him as FART King, Pi Wang. Then when pronouce quickly, it will become 'Pwang'. And for me? They cannot think of anything. Hahax.. But then later, cos they want it to rhyme? Then call me as 'Plic'. Cos 'Plic Piak' mah.. hahax. And Si Wei's nick dont rhyme with us, so we decided to change for him. Call him 'Pwong', cos 'Pwing Pwang Pwong'. So tgt, we become 'Plic Piak Pwing Pwang Pwong'!! Which sounds like 'Pic Piak Bing Bang Bong'? Sth like tt. HAHA!!! SO.. Everyone gt 'P' in their nick. So we call ourselves, PIVES. Cos P for fives, then take away the 'f' and put tgt with the P so become PIVES. Hahax.. Ok, we so bo liao. Hahaz..
Anyways, take a look at the photo

But then anyways, we did alot of fun. Ya, enjoy the day. Hope everyone will get to know one another well very soon. And be bonded like us, the PIVES. Hahax.. Come on people, we can do it right? Hahaz.. Yeah. Hope to have all of us being so strong in our friendship ya?
Anyways, everyone, pls add each other in msn. Tell us ur msn address in the tagboard so that everyone is able to add each other and we could have a msn conference sometimes ya? i think i end here le. Later too naggy. Hahax.. Forget quite alot of details. Shall be filling up the details when i recall or anyone tell me. Hahax.. Will contact u all again. Meanwhile, Stay cool and funky!!more photos will be in the Yahoo group. Please visit. =D
Alright... Meet up with Hwee Yim at CCK Interchange at 8.30. As usual, will be late lahx, then nvm, went to BP there wait for Dickson. Before we alight, saw him yawning there le. Must be waiting for a long time. haha.. Sorry. Anyways, before reaching school, Mabia msg me, asking where am i. Then afterwards got to find out that she also live in BP lorx. But then Dickson nvr call her to meet us. Cos he gave a very lame excuse, saying, 'i dont call girls.' OMG.. Dont call? SMS lah. Aiyo. So that we can come tgt right? Anyways, reached convention centre le, then mark attendance.
Afterwards, everyone starting to arrive, and we went into the hall about 5 mins late? That's what the person told us. Ok, the whole WIL-KEYS program finished about 1 hour and 10 mins? Yeah. Hahax.. Quite nice lahx. 'WIL' meaning Work Integreted Learning. It is a IT module. It's all about teaching those ex-conficts IT stuffs like WORD, POWERPOINT and EXCEL etc and giving them a new start in their lives.
'KEYS' meaning Kindling Education Yielding Success. It's all about helping to raise fund for the NP Student Aid Fund. And we managed to see our SERVE CAMBODIA's mates in the KEYS' video. Alex was in the video, passing by the convention centre there when he was approached by some Serve China people asking him to buy some pegs. The video also shows the passing the newspaper and also, doing that.. Ahem.. Shouting 'YES! We've done it!!' That diagoue. I can hear the loudest voice. Is Mabia. Hahaz.. Yeah. After that, we went to have a little bite at outside the hall. And chatted with the others while eating. Photos were taken then also. Take a look and recognise faces of some our SERVE Grpers!

Si Wei, Dickson and Yuan Jin

Si Wei


Mabia and part of Esther. LOL!

OMG!! What they are doing??? HAHA! Anyways, Si Wei and Dickson are the 'GAY COUPLE' in our group. BEWARE!! HAHAX.. =X Dont blame me hor Si Wei and Dickson. Hahax.. JK only ar..

Gin Ni and Yuan Jin

Joy, Alexander, Latifah and friends.

Serve Cambodia 2006!!! =D
Ermm... Tt's about it lahx, although i did take alot, but then all repeated? Ya.. Behind still got alot. Ok, after taking photos, some left. But then the rest, which is me, Hwee Yim, Si Wei, Dickson, Yuan Jin, Gin Ni, Mr Ng went to play pool together. Yeah. Mabia didn't follow. She went studying. OMG... So hardworking. Ok. Anyways, took Mr Ng's Car to BTP(Bukit Timah Plaza) to play pool. Yeah. Dickson right.. He shot one ball then say he need to go le. LOL!! To study. Ok, cannot blame. Anyways, we continued playing... Gin Ni didn't know how to, but then we did try to teach her. YEAH!! And at least she did managed to play right, Gin Ni? Practise somemore! U can de. Cos all ur things ok le. Jus need more practice. Anyways, Mr Ng and Si Wei played very well wor. Hahax.. Like the experts. Yuan Jin also. and... My so-called disciple, Hwee Yim, ok lah. LOL! Hahax.. Take a look at the photos of them ready to hit the ball!!

Mr Ng! Wow.. Looks pro huh?

Dickson ready to hit

Another Pro.. Si Wei

Hwee Yim

Mr Ng and Si Wei teaching Gin Ni to play pool!!


Yuan Jin. Another nice shot!
After a while, Mr Ng gtg le. So we continued playing. Ok, anyways, took alot of photos there also. Hahax.. Zi lianing time. (Self-taking)
Take a look!

Hwee Yim and Gin Ni

Me and Gin Ni

Hwee Yim, Gin Ni and Yuan Jin.

Me, Hwee Yim and Yuan Jin

Me, Si Wei, Hwee Yim, Gin Ni and Yuan Jin
After that, we went to KAP to find Dickson and also to eat our lunch. But then Gin Ni went to Tiong Bahru. Anyways, she asked us a Ahem question. 'Where is Tiong Bahru ar?' Then our definite answer will be ' Tiong Bahru is at Tiong Bahru lor!' LOL. Ok we are lame. Hahax.. We did really talk alot. Like.. We explored each other leh. I mean... About Dickson's nose, which looked like parrot, Yuan Jin's tongue a little funny and etc... And btw.. Si Wei's name right.. We helped him to modify le. Become Fei Yu Wei Si(Fat Merlion). LOL!!! Funny lahx. Ya. Anyways, we turned the whole KHP to a KBOX! Singing there, sometimes where the music goes too loud, people tend to turn their attention towards us. OMG. Attention seeker. Hahax.. We laugh alot also. Laugh until our cheeks are so stiff and hot!! Hahax.. Quite a number of dirty things we talk. And dont wana say here. Hahax.. Dickson went intruding into ppl's privarcy by asking about our love relationships' history. LOL.. So the KPO hor? Anyways... We came up with a name for the 5 of us.. Wana guess what?
Firstly, rmb i said Si Wei's nick was Fei Yu Wei Si? When u try to pronouce it fast, it become 'Phrise'. Then Yuan Jin's nick, by Si Wei, was called Pancake, cos when pull her cheeks right, looked like pancake ar? So call pancake. But then pronouce it faster, it will be 'Piak'. Then for Hwee Yim, chinese name is Hui Ying. Pronouce fast will be 'Pwing'. Then about Dickson, cos there is once where we talked about FARTING, then he said that he FART alot, and said that it was his family heirloom. LOL. Ok, so call him as FART King, Pi Wang. Then when pronouce quickly, it will become 'Pwang'. And for me? They cannot think of anything. Hahax.. But then later, cos they want it to rhyme? Then call me as 'Plic'. Cos 'Plic Piak' mah.. hahax. And Si Wei's nick dont rhyme with us, so we decided to change for him. Call him 'Pwong', cos 'Pwing Pwang Pwong'. So tgt, we become 'Plic Piak Pwing Pwang Pwong'!! Which sounds like 'Pic Piak Bing Bang Bong'? Sth like tt. HAHA!!! SO.. Everyone gt 'P' in their nick. So we call ourselves, PIVES. Cos P for fives, then take away the 'f' and put tgt with the P so become PIVES. Hahax.. Ok, we so bo liao. Hahaz..
Anyways, take a look at the photo

But then anyways, we did alot of fun. Ya, enjoy the day. Hope everyone will get to know one another well very soon. And be bonded like us, the PIVES. Hahax.. Come on people, we can do it right? Hahaz.. Yeah. Hope to have all of us being so strong in our friendship ya?
Anyways, everyone, pls add each other in msn. Tell us ur msn address in the tagboard so that everyone is able to add each other and we could have a msn conference sometimes ya? i think i end here le. Later too naggy. Hahax.. Forget quite alot of details. Shall be filling up the details when i recall or anyone tell me. Hahax.. Will contact u all again. Meanwhile, Stay cool and funky!!more photos will be in the Yahoo group. Please visit. =D
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