31/07/2006 meeting
Today we have our Serve Cambodia meeting at Blk 72 , 03-03.Yeah.. Reach there at 4.03, but then found out that Ms Chew just open the door. Thought we were late. But then nvm. Hahax. Ok, then also found out that the air-con wasn't working too. Although outside cooling, but then inside very hot. Ok, cannot blame also. Soon, everyone arrived and our meeting start.
Ms Chew gave back all those declaration form which are unfinished or whatever problems back lahx, which include mine cos no parents' signature which is the worst of them all. LOL!!... Ok, so start with our assigning of our jobs. Well, not everyone get sth to do, but then nvm. Think there will be alot of work in the future which needs them also. Anyways, dunno why, i sort of kena SABO into doing this 'MUSIC' preparation for the dance, which is by Latifah. Yeah.. So right, i think i need Mabia's help in the music preparation also, though i'm musician myself by i know i'm a lousy one. Hahax.. Anyways, alot of laughter in the class cos of some funny jokes and u know what.... hahax
Ok, followed after that, we get to see our shirt designed by Lin Na on her powerpoint slides. Alot of comments lahx, cos everyone feel differently, and we sort of test her powerpoint skills ar... Hahax... But then ya, her design were nice, i could say, but then sth was lacking. Duno what. Anyways, everyone gives ideas on how the shirt should be, and eventually, decided on the colour and design. Yeah.. Like jeresy like tt lahx. Quite different from the other 'Serve' Groups.
After tt, went to room 03-12. Nvr went there before. The room was big. About twice as big as normal room ba, or 1.5 times? Dunno. Ok. Went there to listen to NYAA talk by a year 1 student who was the chairman of International Affairs in GAHA @ NYAA. Hmmm... He was from ITE but then ya, came to NP to study after tt. Chairman at his age.. Wah... Quite good wor he. Anyways, he gave us talk on the achievements gonna made by us to achieve gold and blah blah blah. Anyways, we ate chocolate in the class. :P But then we got listen cos we guai mahx. Hahax. Ok... After that, everyone went separate ways, left with some of us to the busstop. yeah.. Took some pictures there cos i bought camera and thought of taking a group photo with everyone de, but then. Haix.. Nvm. So took pictures with some of us, cos if not this blog will be dead, no pictures only words.
Ok, enjoy the pictures taken by Dickson.

Anyways, there are a few things to remind everyone.
1) For those who have not submitted ur whatever stuffs like the declaration form, which u have taken back cos of whatever reason, hahax.. or like ur receipt, passport photocopy and blah blah blah, pls latest by wed put in Ms Chew's pigeon hole at level 9.
2)Please by reminded of the WIL-KEYS event this sat. Please be there at 9.45. Attire should be smart casual, if i not wrong.
3)For those who have not joined the Yahoo group or the blogger,please do so by sending Dickson ur email address, so that he can add u in Yahoo group. For blogger, anyone will do ya? hahax.
4)Pls pls pls... Blog or at least even tag here? Make it alive ok? Yeah... Hahax..
Ok, another thing. Can we like.. er.. take photo with every session that we will be together? Ya? Cos not many many times we can be together ya? hahax.. Ok.. And.. Talk more to others ya? Be bonded even before or bonding camp in SEPT. Ok? Hehex.. Tt's all folks!!
Addon by Dickson: Can we add each other on MSN also?
Ms Chew gave back all those declaration form which are unfinished or whatever problems back lahx, which include mine cos no parents' signature which is the worst of them all. LOL!!... Ok, so start with our assigning of our jobs. Well, not everyone get sth to do, but then nvm. Think there will be alot of work in the future which needs them also. Anyways, dunno why, i sort of kena SABO into doing this 'MUSIC' preparation for the dance, which is by Latifah. Yeah.. So right, i think i need Mabia's help in the music preparation also, though i'm musician myself by i know i'm a lousy one. Hahax.. Anyways, alot of laughter in the class cos of some funny jokes and u know what.... hahax
Ok, followed after that, we get to see our shirt designed by Lin Na on her powerpoint slides. Alot of comments lahx, cos everyone feel differently, and we sort of test her powerpoint skills ar... Hahax... But then ya, her design were nice, i could say, but then sth was lacking. Duno what. Anyways, everyone gives ideas on how the shirt should be, and eventually, decided on the colour and design. Yeah.. Like jeresy like tt lahx. Quite different from the other 'Serve' Groups.
After tt, went to room 03-12. Nvr went there before. The room was big. About twice as big as normal room ba, or 1.5 times? Dunno. Ok. Went there to listen to NYAA talk by a year 1 student who was the chairman of International Affairs in GAHA @ NYAA. Hmmm... He was from ITE but then ya, came to NP to study after tt. Chairman at his age.. Wah... Quite good wor he. Anyways, he gave us talk on the achievements gonna made by us to achieve gold and blah blah blah. Anyways, we ate chocolate in the class. :P But then we got listen cos we guai mahx. Hahax. Ok... After that, everyone went separate ways, left with some of us to the busstop. yeah.. Took some pictures there cos i bought camera and thought of taking a group photo with everyone de, but then. Haix.. Nvm. So took pictures with some of us, cos if not this blog will be dead, no pictures only words.
Ok, enjoy the pictures taken by Dickson.

Anyways, there are a few things to remind everyone.
1) For those who have not submitted ur whatever stuffs like the declaration form, which u have taken back cos of whatever reason, hahax.. or like ur receipt, passport photocopy and blah blah blah, pls latest by wed put in Ms Chew's pigeon hole at level 9.
2)Please by reminded of the WIL-KEYS event this sat. Please be there at 9.45. Attire should be smart casual, if i not wrong.
3)For those who have not joined the Yahoo group or the blogger,please do so by sending Dickson ur email address, so that he can add u in Yahoo group. For blogger, anyone will do ya? hahax.
4)Pls pls pls... Blog or at least even tag here? Make it alive ok? Yeah... Hahax..
Ok, another thing. Can we like.. er.. take photo with every session that we will be together? Ya? Cos not many many times we can be together ya? hahax.. Ok.. And.. Talk more to others ya? Be bonded even before or bonding camp in SEPT. Ok? Hehex.. Tt's all folks!!
Addon by Dickson: Can we add each other on MSN also?
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